Holy cow, my apologies for not updating this since the fall. I meant to after Durga went to TROUBLE IN VEGAS but kept putting it off. My what a spring season we had! It included the wonderful return of Captain Ann Raiho, Emma Hill, Meg Shoemaker, and many additions! We had so many new people that we were able to create a B team: our beloved Shanti!
So to recap some tournaments...
As many of you are aware by now, TiV10 was rained out on the 3rd day. We were able to get in 4 games out of the promised 9. It was a bummer because our team was looking GOOD and ready to take on some sick teams that were coming up. Vegas was still an event that will not be forgotten. Some highlights include searching what felt like all over the strip in order to find a functioning swimming pool... to no avail, and then heading back to the room to hang out in the tub there. Long car rides... but nice scenery. We also had to drive through some crazy weather.
After TiV, Shanti played in their first indoor tournament at St Ben's and won a few games! It was pretty exciting and I am glad to have experienced it.
Then, cha-ching! SPRING BREAK 2010!! We got a house in/near Gatlinburg, TN on a mountain and it was really incredible. Zerks, SOB, Durga, and Shanti all in one house together :). Spring weather was not boding well for tournaments this season, and Roll Call, the tournament Durga was going to go to in DC, was postponed due to rain. We managed to find a tournament that had some space for us in Alabama! We went to Mudbowl and had a pretty good showing but it was clear we were still trying to figure out how to play outside in ridiculous wind again.
After SB10, Durga and Shanti went to Sectionals! Durga took 2nd place after Carleton's Syzygy which rocked, and Shanti tied for 11th place with Carleton's C team.
Regionals proved a little bit harder for Durga than the past two years (5th place each year). We took 9th. Some might blame it on switched brackets right at the last minute that moved us down in the original seeding........ but we could've played better.
Nationals was in Madison, WI this year and it was a blast seeing teams of that calibur playing! Oregon vs UCSB in the finals was really awesome.
Overall, it was another growing year, with each player learning even more how to play with one another as a team. As far as unity goes, I could not ask for a closer team than the one we became this year. I love you guys very much and our 9 graduated seniors will be very missed on and off the field!
I'm really excited for next year to see what our teams are going to be able to do! Next year's captains are: Seniors Ann Raiho and Brittany Faust (me), and Junior Erin Curme.
Congratulations Captains Erin Shishilla, Katherine Zimmermann, and Andrea Henkel, as well as Meg Shoemaker, Meg Hennessey, Stephanie Tanner, Monica Le, Liz Moen, and Lisa Erlandson for graduating and good luck to you all!
see you at a few captains meetings next year bethany!