Ninjas in a half-shell!
Hallowinona 15 was hosted this weekend by Winona State University and Durga went as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. On Saturday we had 21 girls there so we split into three lines, X Y and Z. Each line got to work together and work on what needed to get done.
Saturday was incredibly windy. Also the brackets were all messed up and we only played 3 games on Saturday because a team dropped out.
Durga vs. Winona
Traded points the entire game. We got a couple upwinds, but I think they might've gotten one too. There were a lot of drops and a lot of turns from both sides. Both teams worked hard but Durga got the better of the Beer Sluts and beat them 13-12 on universe point. We received down-wind for the score.
Durga vs. Gustavus
We were warmed up and ready to play after that Winona game. The lines were working better together, and we traded points at first, somewhere around 4-4. Then we broke away and beat Gustavus 13-5 or something like that.
Durga vs. St Thomas
Hard-fought game against St Thomas. Good throws on both teams, good plays. Still very windy. Lines were definitely more cohesive in this game. Anyone got anything to add?
We won.
Saturday night was fun, the hotel was full of people dressed up in crazier costumes than they played in. ........."I'm fucking Princess Leia, bitch!"
Even though we won all of our games the day before, the TDs just weren't giving Durga a break and didn't give us a first-round bye. Durga changed up the lines on Sunday with a few people missing and split up 6 handlers into groups of 3 and had 7 cutters for each line. Lines: Apples and Cheesecurds. We played Carleton first.
Durga vs. Carleton
I'm not sure if this was entirely their B team or if they were still doing tryouts, but they showed up late, Durga was very warmed up. We played really well and beat them 13-1. Our D was on as well as our offense.
Durga vs. Winona again
We played better against this team on Sunday once we knew how to work match-ups and work with our lines. We rocked it, I would say. I don't remember the score though. We won.
Durga vs. Marquette
Championship game! Durga tried really hard, came out strong, but their handlers were fast and they took advantage of poaches. Final score might've been something like 7-13.
But hey, we took second at Hallowinona! Hell yeah.
-Brittany Faust #18 Junior
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